

Be encouraged
Get connected
We were made for community. We were created to be a part of a body; something bigger than ourselves. No person is fully equipped to succeed in life alone. We need others to share up our weaknesses, point out our blind spots, and help us to develop emotionally, professionally, relationally, and spiritually.
Whether you are gathering with others to discuss a topic, learn a new skill, grow personally, or meeting with a mentor to acquire wisdom, experience, vision or a direction, relationship is an essential part of life.
To follow Christ means to invest in others; to grow in Christ means to let others invest in you. We all need mentors--people who care for you, believe in you, and encourage you.
A good mentor is a person who you naturally enjoy being with, who has more experience than you have, who sees your gifts and calling, and who want to see you succeed in life and ministry.
A mentor is willing to help you grow in sensitive areas most other friends simply "put up with" on a day-to-day basis.
If you need a like-minded mentor during your time at Seminary, or in a certain season of life, please fill in the contact and request form here.
We will do our best to match you with the right person!

Paid internships
Student Internships
CBE Denver is excited to offer two Ministry Residency Scholarships. Qualifying students will be Denver Seminary students.
Candidates will have a strong affinity for mutuality and agree with the mission, vision, and purposes of CBE Denver.
These persons will play an active role in the Denver Chapter by helping with Podcasts, coordinating Table Talks, attending meet-ups, and liaising with Denver Seminary for advertisement of upcoming events and postings for Campus News. It is a fun and meaningful internship!
Interested persons can learn more by contacting CBE Denver and requesting scholarship information, or by linking to Denver Seminary's website below.
We are looking for interns for Spring 2025
Don't be shy - please apply!
Click below on Denver Seminary logo for Application